Did you know, most big international airports make around 42% of its total revenue, from car parking alone? This is another excellent reason to make sure you book your Airport Transfers with the KPD Group. Not only to save time, hassle and stress, but to save money by not having to pay the car parking charges!

Did you know?

A woman and her daughter were arrested, when they tried to smuggle the body of her dead husband onto an aircraft? They disguised him as a sleeping man in a wheel chair, covering his eyes with sun glasses!

Who would of thought it?

Interesting Facts

So, those of you who are taking a winter holiday abroad this year, here are some other interesting factors to think about when you next go to the airport…

The tyres on an aeroplane are designed to withstand incredible weight loads of 38 tonnes, hitting the ground at 170 miles per hour, more than 500 times! At least we know they have been truly tried and tested! The tyres are inflated to 200 psi, that’s 6 times more than that of a car.

In one-year alone, passengers of British Airways consumed:

  • 40.5 Tonnes of chicken
  • 6 Tonnes of caviar
  • 22 Tonnes of Smoked Salmon
  • 557,507 boxes of chocolates
  • 90,000 cases (9 litre cases) of sparkling wine

A commercial jet has an average cruising speed of 550 – 580 mph, that’s the quickest mode of transportation for members of the general public.

English is the international language of flight, meaning all flight controllers and commercial pilots are required to speak English in all international destinations.

The most interesting of all…

The white trail a plane leaves behind in the sky can be used to predict the weather. A thin shorter trail indicates low humidity and fair weather. A thick, longer trail signifies the early indication of a storm – who would of thought it?!

A bowing 747 has around 150 –175 miles of wiring inside it. Just to give you an idea, that’s the equivalent of driving from Northampton to Liverpool!!

So, the next time you think about planning your travels, arrange your hassle free Airport Transfer with The KPD Group!